Sensor Edition: vanilla application

Sensor Edition: vanilla application

Generic Node Sensor Edition comes pre-programmed with a vanilla application that showcases some of the device functionality and capabilities.

The application leverages a combination of the on-board components such as LEDs, button, secure element, temperature and humidity sensor.

Check out the Quick Start guide and learn how to claim your device, power it up and register it on The Things Stack network.

After a successful join, the device will periodically transmit two types of messages.

  1. A heartbeat message on FPort 1 every 25 seconds
  2. A Temperature and Humidity reading on FPort 2 every 1 minute

You can also press the button to transmit an uplink with the heartbeat message.

The device will blink the green LED with each successful uplink.


The heartbeat uplink message sent by the device on FPort 1 contains the device battery voltage and the firmware version.

Temperature and Humidity

The temperature and humidity uplink message sent on FPort 2 contains the temperature in Celsius and the humidity in percentage.


The accelerometer is disabled by default and can be enabled via a downlink on FPort 3 to detect shake and free-fall events. When an accelerometer event occurs (shake or free-fall), the device will transmit an uplink with the temperature and humidity readings.

The accelerometer should be disabled when it’s not used to conserve energy


The button is enabled by default and can be disabled or enabled via a downlink on FPort 4. When the button is enabled, pressing the button will send a heartbeat uplink message.


The buzzer is disabled by default can be enabled via a downlink on FPort 5. The buzzer can ring briefly in two tones, warning and danger.

Blue LED

The blue LED is disabled by default and can be enabled via a downlink on FPort 6. This feature can be used to indicate that the device requires attention (battery change, reset, re-positioning, etc)

Adjusting the device behavior

The vanilla application attempts to be as generic as possible to facilitate exploring the device functionality.

Use the uplinks guide to decode the uplink messages.

Follow the downlinks guide to adjust the device functionality according to your needs.